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We'd LOVE Your Feedback

We want to take a moment to tell you how much we appreciated coaching your swimmers this season! This being our first year, we would love to get some feedback from our families. Please take some time to complete this very brief survey so that we can make sure we are providing the best service for the Swim Team in seasons to come. You are welcome to put your name on the survey or leave it blank and complete it anonymously.

Manta Rays 2023 Summer Swim Team Survey

1 = Poor
2 = Needs Improvement
3 = Good/Satisfactory
4 = Great
5 = Excellent

What did you think of Head Coach Bert!

Was attentive to the needs of the team
Showed strong leadership throughout the season
Effectively communicated team expectations (practice/meets)
Was approachable and a positive role model for the kids
Demonstrated and executed his knowledge of the sport
Implemented organized and effective practice sessions

How were our assistant coaches!

Ability to conduct effective practices sessions that improved my swimmer
Ability to teach proper technique/skills
Exhibits a strong understanding of swim skills
Motivated and encouraged my swimmer

How did you like the Summer Program as a whole?

I felt comfortable with the coaching staff and team administration
The registration process was well organized
The season (practices/meets) were well organized
Response time from team administrators
Members of the team showed great sportsmanship and team spirit
Communication was well thought out and consistent
The team size...


The Clements Twins

Wanna be BFF's? Sign up to stay in touch!

Thanks! TTYL!

Ava + Leah




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